New Year’s News, 2023

By Dana S Bourgerie, Project Director –

January marks the beginning of the eighth year for the Cambodian Oral History Project. As Cambodia returned to relative normalcy post-COVID, we sent an intern in-country for the first time in two years. Meanwhile, we expanded our efforts in US heritage communities­­––notably Oakland, CA and Tacoma, WA. We invite you to visit our website to see recent video interviews from both Oakland and Tacoma.

In February, we will travel to Lowell, MA to meeting with that large Cambodian American community and to record interviews.

To make stories more widely accessible, we have recently received funds from our sponsor––the Brigham Young University College of Humanities––to support student translators. This new effort will supplement current volunteer work toward translation of more interviews from Khmer to English.

We have also continued to foster connections with Family Search and are creating an index of genealogical information from the interviews. The project will be featured as an online presentation in March at RootsTech, the largest family history conference in the world.

Lastly, we are excited to launch a new project logo created by our very own Debra Williams, project assistant and Illustration major!

Best Wishes for the new year!

Dana Scott Bourgerie
Project Director